Presentation and Voice
In our increasingly YouTube centric world, the ability to clearly explain your message in a simple video presentation is increasingly important. Over the years I have presented on a wide range of complicated topics in easy to understand ways with the basic philosophy is that you need to establish a conversation, even if it is a recorded message.
To do this I combine a few different tool sets:
Research: Every audience has its own hot buttons; this may be industry terms, trends, or just a topic that relates to what the audience is trying to do. I help craft a message in part by digging into the needs of the audience.
Writing: Leaning on my years of casual, technical and professional writing, I create scripts that feel natural while delivering the topic concisely. I am also available to create blog and social content to support the video presentation after it's released.
Deck Development: PowerPoint is frequently the crutch and the curse of modern business presentations. When presenting a presentation that relies on a deck, I mix graphics, animation and clear information into a deck that doesn't feel like a deck.
Voice Work: Often times the difference between an okay presentation and a great presentation is simply the voice over. With clear reading and the ability to change style and energy depending on the type of material, I'm happy to lend my voice to an otherwise complete presentation.
Video Production: Whether editing a screen recording from Powerpoint or combining images, video clips and audio, I am able to polish presentations to remove "word whiskers" (the ums and uhs) and add a professional touch to even a simple, inexpensive presentation.
The Animated Presentation
A presentation doesn't have to be a bullet point list in a deck. By combining simple animations, a bit of background music, and an appropriate vocal style, your message can come to life and engage your audience.
Examples include
- Why Do We Protect Our Stuff?
- The Access Control Nightclub
- The POS and the Air Conditioner and the Fax Breach
- MFA for OAuth
- A Story of 3 Legged OAuth
The Basic Presentation
We all dread the droning reading of a slide deck, but everything has a story. My take on presentations is to keep a conversational style with sufficient movement in the deck that backs up the core message.
By combining clear, fairly plain language with lightweight animation and diagrams that support the message, my presentations engage the audience and deliver the information in an understandable way.
Examples include:
- What is SSO?
- Defining your Service Level Agreement (SLA)
- MicroPerimeter Edge Roadmap
- Identity: It's not just for Users Anymore
Training videos
Explaining complicated topics is what I do; over the past decade in my role as Director of Global Training at Apigee, Enterprise Architect at NWEA and Director of Customer Success and Cloudentity, I have built a number of training videos and video series.
Creating a series of "bite sized" videos along with supporting documents to help walk someone through your product or service requires creating simple building blocks that engage the student to keep them coming back for an entire series.
Examples Include: