Why I dropped out of Social Media
2017-08-18 13:30:09
Oh. Hi there. Yes, it has been awhile…
Me? Oh this and that. You know, work, and then there's the yard. Oh I had that gallbladder surgery but these days that's pretty much an in and out job.
Traveling? Oh gosh no… I haven't been on a plane in over a year, and that was just vacation. I'm pretty sure I know where my passport is, but I haven't needed in in years. Honestly it's nice to actually be living and working in the city I've been getting mail in for the last 24 years. Not that Portland's the same city I chose to call home all those years ago…
Otis is still alive… I think you know Murphy died a few years ago. Norman just a year after that, but I sort of think Otis is enjoying being an only cat.
I got some money from the last job and was able to put a down payment on a house in Astoria. Nice view, needs some work… My collection of power tools and stuff is growing. Who knew I'd own a Jeep and a trailer? Well, I guess I've had rigs and trailers before, so, yeah… still can't back a trailer worth a damn.
Yep, still have the boat, and I don't have to back that trailer that often. The moorage is just so cheap, not that we get out on it much. Got it in late this year, you know, plans versus reality… The river is really low now, but then there's always something isn’t there? Too high, too low, flesh eating bacteria… Nah, not really, but there was that algae bloom that killed our friend's dog a couple years back.
Nothing really new in tech. Well, there's always something new in tech, but it's just the same stuff a little faster, a little better. New words for things we were doing back in the 90s, only easier to do now because, you know, 'cloud' and stuff.
There was that bit about methane on Mars and those photos of Pluto. If I was the kind of guy who did bumper stickers I'd probably have one that said 'I <3 Pluto' only with a picture of Sputnik Planum where the heart would go. Yeah… pretty cool.
The Orange Man in the Oval office? Man… I remember how screwed up that US DOT contract was years ago, so really, what's another sociopath in DC going to do that hasn't already been done?
So, yeah. Life goes on. Been a little in my own navel, so I haven't really seen what's going on with other folks much. I mean there are the big things you always see no matter how far in your navel you are. My mother has been fighting her health issues… I still can't believe Eric is gone… Ben's still alive, which is most of what I've known about him forever… Babies, weddings, funerals, breakups… I hear about them, maybe a little later, but It's good to see life is still going on.
We should catch up again. It's better over dinner or drinks, but little snippets are okay too… Tops of the waves are always pretty when you sit on the bluff at the seaside, so tops of the waves for your friends and family are nice too.
But sometimes it's just better to close your eyes, relax and wait to really connect.