Getting ready for DC
2009-01-10 11:27:14
I have to go to Washington DC next week for business; there's a conference where I'm supposed to present the Reservation Road Planner, and the lobbyist has arranged some meetings on the hill with the Washington delegation.
DC is probably the one town that I actually like travelling to for business. I fly into National, which is right on the Metro (as it should be). I can get off the plane, get on the train, and walk to my lodging, which is usually a bed and breakfast or boutique hotel.
There's never any question about attire in DC, unlike Florida or California -- I know if I'm going up on the hill I'll need a suit and tie; maybe it's the uniform, but it's easier to decipher than mix that qualifies as 'business casual' in the tech sectors.
And when I'm not working, there's plenty to do. Great choices of restaurants, museums and I can usually find someone to talk to about something other than sports.
The worst part is the plane trip itself. Although I got a really great deal on my ticket, and only one transfer and layover, it's still almost 8 hours of travel. I'm not looking forward to it. The only consolation is that most people are flying in the following week for the inauguration, so I might actually get a seat with no one next to me…
As for the inauguration, I can't believe I'm going to be that close and not go. But everyone's jacked their rates for that week, and air travel is insanely expensive for the return trip. I think it'll be cool enough just to go the week before and see what they're doing to prepare.