First splash for United Against Malaria
2009-05-28 08:11:22
Conquent is developing a website for Hill and Knowlton's client, the UN Foundation's United Against Malaria project. Not only is it always great to work with such high profile projects, but it's an amazingly important cause and I'm personally glad to be a part of it.
The campaign is centered around the 2010 World Cup in Africa next year. So, the placeholder page went live today for the match between Tunisia and Sudan this afternoon (2PM Eastern).
The whole thing underscores to me how the web makes the world a little smaller, yet shows us how big it is. I mean, as an American, I have to admit I didn't even know there was a team in Tunisia called 'The Carthage Eagles'; and the fact that Sudan faces Benin June 7 forced me to go to Wikipedia and look up Benin (squeezed between Nigeria and Togo, Benin was known as Dahomey until 1975 -- not that I knew where or what Dahomey was…).
I'm looking forward to tracking the matches over the next year and, in the process, I expect I'll learn more about soccer, Africa, and of course, malaria on the continent.
(You can read the article in the Tunisia Online News about the match today by clicking here.)